The seasons of PSIR reaches finale.
As at Misfits we’re approaching finale, here are my key learnings from every season;
Season 1: Western Political Thinkers was about knowing the philosophers along with the context which shaped their views. Started with Plato who observed the Peloponnesian war, gave the idea of philosopher king, his ideal state has rigid class structure - The Rulers, Auxiliaries and Producers which critiques termed as rigid. Plato also suggested that the State is individual writ large
Aristotle ; was the student of Plato and has a pragmatic approach, he found Plato’s dualistic separation problematic as it created a disconnect from reality.he also recognized the cynical nature of political systems. He identified 3 ideal form of government Monarchy [rule by one ]- Tyranny, Aristocracy[rule by few]-Oligarchy, Rule by many polity - Democracy.
Machiavelli a Florentine diplomat born during Renaissance known as Child of his own time [Herald Raski], focused on humanist ideals, concept of dual morality and his secularism which separated religion ethics morality from politics.
Thomas Hobbs; wrote Leviathan, the Hobb’s state of nature is characterised by perpetual condition of war conflict and fear, suggest that every individual has natural right to do everything without any legal or moral constraint. Life in Hobbsian state is solitary, brutish and nasty.
John Locke known as father of liberalism in his book Two Treatise Of Government argued that in the state of nature individuals are capable of living peacefully in absence of central authority. He advocated for limited government and emphasized on its role in protecting Right to life, liberty and property.
JS Mill who was the intellectual experiment of his father in his book Utilitarianism and Subjection of Women gave the concept of harm principle i.e. the action of individual should only be limited if they harm others and advocated for women suffrage. He is termed as a Reluctant democrat as he believed in democracy but was aware of Tyranny of majority.
Karl Marx advocated for classless society in his book Communist Manifesto and Das Capital, divided the society into two ; the Bourgois[elites] and the Proletariats’[working class]. He gave the concept of base[economic foundation of society] controlling the superstructure, alienation of workers etc.
Antonio Gram C gave the concept of hegemony in his Prison Books